Sunday, September 21, 2008


The jeans vs. daurasuruwal, drums vs. madal, these are quite old rivals. One politician passed a remark in public about the song Bir Gorkhali. He said, “Our guys talk about culture in songs (referring to bir gorkhali), but live/dress like westerners”. I did not have remotest possibility of replying his remark anyhow as it was considered too dangerous, especially during heydays of GNLF. But, it gave me impetus to pen down a song about a person tagged as "western" by one school of people. The result was the song titled Sanskriti.
Music: Vasker Dewan and a little bit of inputs from the lyricist.
Well, this song was my answer to those who think the new generation has forgotten the cultural dress, songs and rituals. Be it a folk song or rock numbers, they are just a beat apart-that's the theme of the song.

Birseko chainau hami Sanskriti ajhai pani
Nasa nasa ma purkha ko ragat Bagdacha ajhai pani
Sirma topi nahola hamro Daura suruwal nahola
Tara chati bhari maya ccha aafnai jati prati
Deurali pakha bhiralo kasari birsula
Yahi mato ma janmeko yasaima milula
Naulocha saili hamro naulo ccha hamro vesh
Birseko cchainau tara pahar jharna khola ko desh
Damphu ra madal nahola hamro sarangi nahola
Tara hridaya bhari sraddha ccha yahakai sangeet prati
Maruni selo juhari Prerna hamro ho Je bhaneni lok bhaka sarainai ramro ho............

Music video: Sanskriti


Anonymous said...

Oi bhai

always liked th lyrics to this song .... :) glad to make your acquaintaince :)

Thuli di

Anonymous said...

Nice Songs

i like the lyrics of this songs and also appreciate the mode of presenting this songs in a new way.
good team work.
